The CEO and the Sales Manager at Agresa travelled to China for a week early in April, 2018 on a mission to visit the site of one its suppliers.  

The main reason for the visit was to discuss some technical issues related to the generator sets that the supplier manufactures, and to look for improvements and solutions. At the same time, Agresa wanted to take advantage of the trip to see what could be done to improve the range of products supplied, and to make recommendations on technical, administrative and commercial services

The next stage of this trip was dedicated to locating a second viable supplier for Agresa.

To this end, Agresa arranged a meeting in the same city with a newly created company that specializes in the same field. It was started by two ex-employees of Agresa’s original supplier. They had left that company in order to take on a new venture in the same sector. Due to their previous experience with Agresa, they know us as a customer, which means they also know about our needs.

Agresa clearly decided to run the meeting along identical lines as the previous one, as it had prepared a document which outlined the same issues and potential problems should a future commercial relationship be established.

The visit to this new company also included a tour of the factory in order to check all manufacturing processes and to validate the quality of the product.

Agresa’s final assessment is that this new company is a valid supplier for the future. They offer Agresa the same products, with higher quality and at more competitive prices.

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