What exactly does preventive maintenance of generator sets consist of?

Preventive maintenance of generating sets is essential so that the equipment does not suffer any failure or mishap during its period of activity. It is important to carry out regular checks, which will save you potential repairs and considerably extend the life of your generator set.

The frequency and type of maintenance required on a generator set will depend on numerous factors, including the use of the generator set, the environment in which it operates and the percentage load it carries.

Generator manufacturers normally recommend, in the case of Emergency use, inspections, and preventive engine-alternator maintenance every three months, while, in the case of continuous use, every 250 or 500 hours, depending on the brand and each manufacturer’s recommendations.

preventive maintenance of generator sets
Information on preventive maintenance

At Agresa we help you prevent failures and damage to your machinery by offering a comprehensive and personalized preventive maintenance service for generating sets for each company.

We have a technical assistance service available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Our technicians are always available to work wherever the customer needs them, to ensure the correct operation of the generator set and solve any emergencies that may have arisen in your equipment suddenly, causing a complicated situation or even an emergency.

Preventive maintenance of generating sets: mechanics and electronics

Preventive maintenance tasks can be divided into two parts: on the one hand, the mechanical part has to be checked and, on the other hand, all electrical components have to be checked to ensure that they are in good working order.

Mechanical factors of preventive maintenance

It is important to begin with a general inspection of the state of the engine, focusing on the water circuit and the alternator, without forgetting aspects such as the oil level of both the engine and the injection pump.

To avoid overheating problems, the water level in the radiator should also be checked, as the generator set must always operate at a temperature that does not exceed 40º. On the other hand, the diesel levels must be checked, as well as to ensure that there are no oil or water leaks when the engine is running.

Another vital part is to check that the pump and alternator belts are tensioned and in good condition. We would finish the mechanical revision of the equipment by checking the state of the transfer pumps.

preventive maintenance of generator sets
More information

Electrical components within preventive maintenance

preventive maintenance of generator sets

It is important to check the correct functioning of all electrical components of the genset. Make sure that the crankcase heating element is working properly. The electrolyte level and the condition of the battery must also be checked.

On the other hand, the control panel and the switchboards must be cleaned of dust, and a test must be carried out from the control panel to avoid errors during the period of activity.

Finally, the generator and mains voltage in volts as well as the frequency in cycles per second or the current of the power supply system must be noted down to complete the inspection of the genset electronics.

Ask for an appointment with our technical service for preventive maintenance of generating sets

preventive maintenance of generator sets

One of the company’s strong points is that it offers a close and professional service, adapting to all its clients’ needs.

If you would like to make an appointment or have any queries, please do not hesitate to fill in the form on the company’s website, call (+34) 938 772 020 or send an email to agresa@agresa.es. You will soon receive answers to all your questions. You will soon receive answers to all your requests – it’s as quick and easy as that!

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